Data Structure Guide

Following is a quick guide to the data structure of different question types and formats used in Survey Shaper.

Question Type Question Format Example Reference Variable Name Answer/
Additional Notes
Single Response Vertical Radio, Horizontal Radio, Rating, Slider, Heat Rating, Drop Down @Q1=2 Q1 2    
Single Response Vertical Radio @Q1_verbatim Q1     This is the reference for any verbatim (text) field (e.g. an other specify)
Multi Response Checkbox @Q9_5=1 Q9 5  

=1 means selected
=0 means not selected

Grid Checkbox Grid @Q5_4_2=0 Q5 4 2
Multi Response Checkbox @Q1_98_verbatim Q1 98   This is the reference for the verbatim (text) field associated with answer code 98 (e.g. an other specify)
Grid Horizontal Radio Grid, Drop Down Grid, Stacked Slider, Slider Grid @Q7_4=10 Q7 4    
Sample Field Numeric @Age=44 Age      
Sample Field Verbatim @State=‘NSW’ State     Enclose text field references with single quotes in action commands or filters
Verbatim Single Verbatim @Q3=‘NSW’ Q3    
Verbatims Multi Verbatim @Q2_1=‘Fish’ Q2 1  
Verbatims Verbatim Grid @Q8_3_1=‘SA Q8 3 1
Verbatims Numerical @Q4_2=37 Q4 2    
Verbatims Numerical Grid @Q6_3_1=37 Q6 3 1  
Rank Ranking @Q10_1=4 Q10 1